SetAuthor: Set Author Property   [ 14 ]


Set Author property in PDF document – truncated to 96 characters if longer.  This function overrides the initial related value found in configuration file taken into account when NewPdfy() function is invoked.  It takes one parameter which is a pointer to a string containing the required Author string.

C calling syntax
void SetAuthor (char *pt_Author)
Cobol calling syntax
Call "SetAuthor" using Pt_Autor.
C sample code
#include   "fpdf.h"

static char   f_ini ??(??) = ??< "ini??/??/demofpdf.ini" ??>;
static char   f_out ??(??) = ??< "pdf??/??/demo_c.pdf" ??>;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

int  main (int argc, char *argv [])


NewPdfy (f_ini, 1);
SetCompression (false);
SetFont ("Times", "B", 24);
Text (20, 25, "FPDF4ZOS for mass production #1");
SetFont ("Times", "B", 24);
Text (20, 25, "FPDF4ZOS for mass production  #2");
SetAuthor ("GMK - inspired by PHP fpdf package");
SetCreator ("Creator for FPDF4ZOS basics");
SetTitle ("Title for FPDF4ZOS basics");
SetSubject ("Subject for FPDF4ZOS basics");
SetKeywords ("FPDF4ZOS,Basics,GMK,Aba,Ima");
SetDisplayMode ("fullpage", "two", "0");
FlushPdf (f_out, 2, "CUSTOMER", "demo_c");

Cobol sample code
Procedure division.
           Set Pt0 to Address of T0.
           Set Pt1 to Address of T1.
           Set Pt2 to Address of T2.
           String 'DD:FINI' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Move 2 to I.
           Call "NewPdfy" Using by value Pt0, I returning PdfRC.
           Move 0 to FLAG.
           Call "SetCompression" Using by value FLAG.
           String 'P' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "AddPage" Using by value Pt0.
           Move  20 to W.
           String 'Arial' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           String 'N' Low-Value delimited by size into T1.
           Call "SetFont" Using by value Pt0, Pt1, W.
           String 'FPDF4ZOS for mass production' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Move   20 to X.
           Move   25 to Y.
           Call "Text" Using by value X, Y, Pt0.
           String 'GMK - inspired by PHP fpdf package' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "SetAuthor" Using by value Pt0.
           String 'Creator for FPDF4ZOS basics' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "SetCreator" Using by value Pt0.
           String 'Title for FPDF4ZOS basics' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "SetTitle" Using by value Pt0.
           String 'Subject for FPDF4ZOS basics' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "SetSubject" Using by value Pt0.
           String 'FPDF4ZOS,Basics,GMK,Aba,Ima' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "SetKeywords" Using by value Pt0.
           String 'fullpage' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           String 'two' Low-Value delimited by size into T1.
           String '0' Low-Value delimited by size into T2.
           Call "SetDisplayMode" Using by value Pt0,Pt1,Pt2.
           Move 2 to Flag.
           String  'DD:FOUT' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           String  'CUSTOMER' Low-Value delimited by size into T1.
           String  'DEMOCBL0' Low-Value delimited by size into T2.
           Call "FlushPdf" using by value Pt0, FLAG, Pt1, Pt2
Description of sample code
This piece of code illustrates the properties setting functions found in FPDF4ZOS interface.  It opens a PDF context, inserts a page, configures a  font, writes a short string, set miscellanous properties of document and flushes result on a PDF file.
- NewPdfy()        -->  Initialisation of a pdf context
- AddPage()        -->  As it says
- SetFont()        -->  set current font
- Text()           -->  Write a piece of Text at position [x,y]
- SetCompression() -->  Instructs that PDF streams will not be compressed
- SetAuthor()      -->  Set Author property within PDF document
- SetSubject()     -->  Set Subject property within PDF document
- SetCreator()     -->  Set Creator property within PDF document
- SetTitle()       -->  Set Title property within PDF document
- SetKeywords()    -->  Set Keywords property within PDF document
- SetDisplayMode() -->  Set Initial display behavior upon opening the PDF document
- FlushPdf()       -->  Output PDF file taking into account all the instructions invoked since NewPdfy or previous FlushPdf
See sample source code in 'C' as well as PDF execution result  -  NB: For encrypted PDFs, user password is USER-PSWD