SetTextColor: Set color of Text   [ 26 ]


Set color of text to be output by either Text(), Write() or Cell().  This function takes 3 integer parameters:
  • Red    ⇒ a value between 0 and 255
  • Green  ⇒ a value between 0 and 255
  • Blue   ⇒ a value between 0 and 255
Developper notes:
  • There are 24 millions combinations which may be obtained from black (0,0,0) upto white (255,255,255).  If an integer number is greater than 255, its value is logically ANDED with 255.
  • If a value is negative, it is overidden by a custom value given by function SetCustColors.

C calling syntax
void SetTextColor (int r, int,g int b)
Cobol calling syntax
Call "SetTextColor" using by value R, G, B.
C sample code
#include   "fpdf.h"

static char   f_ini ??(??) = ??< "ini??/??/demofpdf.ini" ??>;
static char   f_out ??(??) = ??< "pdf??/??/demo_a.pdf" ??>;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

int  main (int argc, char *argv [])

NewPdfy (f_ini, 1);
AddPage ("P");
SetFont ("Times", "B", 24);
SetTextColor (0, 100, 200);
Text (20, 25, "What is written below is TRUE");
SetTextColor (0, 200, 100);
Text (20, 50, "What is written above is FALSE");
Output (f_out);
Cobol sample code
       Procedure division.
           Set Pt0 to Address of T0.
           Set Pt1 to Address of T1.
           String 'DD:FINI' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Move 2 to NbPages.
           Call "NewPdfy" Using by value Pt0, NbPages returning PdfRC.
           String 'P' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "AddPage" Using by value Pt0.
           Move  20 to W.
           String 'Times' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           String 'N' Low-Value delimited by size into T1.
           Call "SetFont" Using by value Pt0, Pt1, W.
           Move   0 to R.
           Move   100 to G.
           Move   200 to B.
           Call "SetTextColor" Using by value R,G,B.
           Move   0 to R.
           Move   100 to G.
           Move   200 to B.
           Call "SetTextColor" Using by value R,G,B.
           Move   20 to X.
           Move   25 to Y.
           String 'What is written below is TRUE ' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "Text" Using by value X, Y, Pt0.
           Move   200 to G.
           Move   100 to B.
           String 'What is written above is FALSE ' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Move   50 to Y.
           Call "Text" Using by value X, Y, Pt0.
           String  'DD:FOUT' Low-Value delimited by size into T0.
           Call "Output" using by value Pt0.
Description of sample code
This piece of code illustrates the most basic functions found in FPDF4ZOS interface.
- NewPdfy()       -->  Initialisation of a pdf context
- AddPage()       -->  As it says
- SetFont()       -->  Set current font
- SetTextColor()  -->  Set Text Color
- Text()          -->  Write a piece of Text at position [X,Y]
- Output()        -->  Output PDF file taking into account all the instructions invoked since context initialization
See sample source code in 'C' as well as PDF execution result  -  NB: For encrypted PDFs, user password is USER-PSWD